Wendy Wood Genealogy | Genealogist for Midwestern United States & England

Professional Genealogist Serving the United States & Beyond

If you're looking for a partner to dig into that box of files you've had stored away for years, discover new records, and build out your family's unique story - go no further. This is for you. I can't wait to help you uncover a great family story to tell at your next family reunion, and bond over with your loved ones. For whatever purpose or questions you may develop, we will look into finding answers.


Contact Us

This service works on an hourly basis. Each hour of research is $60, and our initial agreement will specify how many hours of research you want to reserve. This time will also include documentation of any findings, as well as recommendations for further research. At that point, you will have the option to extend the research to include more hours.

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If you're unsure of exactly what research questions you have, we can certainly still talk and narrow that down before beginning! 

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